Creating Memories

Though a few days have gone by, I can still scarcely think of anything but Julie’s sudden passing. I have never met anyone for whom, like for her, life was such a great, big, ever-growing circle of love and light. The words I most often remember in connection with her are, “I love to create, and my favorite thing to create is memories. How thankful I am for each one that is stored in my heart, and the hearts of those I love.”

With this in mind, when we chanced to be at the park with the children this week, I put my whole being into being with them. I let go of every care and worry, and only whipped out my phone to take a few pictures.






Precious sibling love.


From home: One of this year’s new kittens.


The latest thrift-store find: two lovely vintage kiddush cups. These will get shined and put away in the kitchen cupboard today. Please ignore the table mess. 😉

Author: Anna

An Orthodox Jewish wife and mother enjoying a simple life with her family and chickens, somewhere in the hills, in Israel.

6 thoughts on “Creating Memories”

  1. I will always remember a song she introduced one time. It rang through my mind for weeks afterwards. As well as her well written words. You do have some wonderful memories of the contact you had…I hope you will be comforted.

    In Dec. I lost the most wonderful of friends too…we never met…but our hearts entwined as dear friends via email and phone calls and notes and letters. I had hoped to one day meet her…but we never lived closeby. She was a total gift to me…over the last 15 years. I do understand how you are feeling about the lovely Julie.

    Looks like you have some little auburn haired babies…I was one too. I wish I had known how rare and special it is to have that color hair, growing up. It would have helped with some of the bullying I received. However, in Israel, it may be seen a lot differently.


    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Elizabeth. The truth is, in Israel one finds so many different looks and hair and skin color among children, that nothing is unusual.


  2. Aw how lovely indeed to live where all are accepted as to how they look…a bit of Paradise isn’t it? Is this apt bldg where you will live now? Wherever you are, I do hope it will be a blessing in some way for you and yours!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elizabeth, no, thankfully we’ll have our own house with a private lot, at the end of a quiet street. Not as much space as we currently enjoy, but we’ll certainly try to make the most of it.


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