Is stability still possible?

financial sustainability

These days, my heart is just breaking. It’s breaking for all the people who have been separated from their families as the skies closed. For all the people who lost their businesses. For the older folks who were active and hardy and kept in good shape, mentally and physically, by going to exercise classes, swimming, and traveling, and are now stuck in their homes, deteriorating by the day and unbearably alone if they have no nuclear family living with them.

It’s heartbreaking that children will have to start school next year burdened with restrictions that are far too heavy for their age, and other children who will be left out without adequate resources for at-home learning.

It seems we are saying a reluctant goodbye to job security, financial security, pension security, any-kind-of-security as stocks are plummeting and pension funds losing value as we speak. I am heartbroken for all the people who lived wisely and made all the right choices, and still find themselves financially (among other ways) vulnerable today.

This was also the core of my latest Mother Earth News post.

“What does this mean? I won’t say anything radical like “money is worthless now” or “ditch the money economy.” I’m a firm believer in personal finances, putting money aside, and planning for the future. 

But I also believe that the coronavirus crisis has shown us that stability, security, and wellbeing depend on much more than money. “

Now is the time to ask ourselves: how self-reliant are we? How prepared are we for another event of extended lockdown and empty store shelves? Do we have barterable skills we can use in lieu of money if the latter loses some of its value? Do we belong to a supportive community of people who can be counted on to help each other out when the you-know-what hits the fan and starts flying in all directions?

Read the rest here.


Author: Anna

An Orthodox Jewish wife and mother enjoying a simple life with her family and chickens, somewhere in the hills, in Israel.

4 thoughts on “Is stability still possible?”

  1. Well written…it is hard to know who to believe or what to do…I feel kind of paralyzed frankly…and meanwhile, my husband is going downhill. 10 years ago he was given the dreadful drug CIPRO for a minor UTI…and has been slowly going downhill ever since. Especially under the current conditions, I am not sure how we are going to fare if he gets too weak for me to take care of at home. We really are in the hands of HaShem…either HE helps us or HE does not. Not a fun time. My hubby is also 70. I am doing what I can for him. Trying to research online…though doubtful he can be helped as this drug damages the mitrochrondia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that, Elizabeth. Routine health-care is often pushed to the side these days, as if nothing but covid is worth attention. Such a difficult time for everyone.


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